Terms and condition
www.Iledereloc.com is a service offered by Gorgone 2.0 Sarl, a computer services company located in La Couarde sur mer, Ile de Re and registered at RCS La Rochelle SIRET 513 203 562 00014 - - NAF 6201Z. Gorgone 2.0 Sarl does not intervene in the rental or hosting transaction process. These transactions are only between advertisers and vacationers, site visitors. The only function of www.iledereloc.com is to publish on its website the announcements of offers and requests for accommodation on the island of Re. The owner of an ad authorizes www.iledereloc.com to broadcast his ad in its entirety: Texts and photos on www.iledereloc.com. The advertiser certifies to be the owner of the copyright of the photos provided. The advertiser also guarantees the accuracy of the descriptions and the fidelity of the photos provided. Iledereloc puts in place, in the advertisement a link towards the site of the advertiser since the latter has provided one. The advertiser then agrees in return to put a link to www.iledereloc.com, however, Gorgone 2.0 disclaims any responsibility for the content of the site provided by the advertiser. This site will be visited during the first insertion of the ad on www.iledereloc.com, but the advertiser is free to change the content of its site, and thus commits himself, on the responsibility of the content of his site. You have a right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you (law 78-07 of 06-01-78 Informatique et libertes). To exercise this right, simply use the access codes provided during your subscription or contact Gorgone 2.0, 17 chemin des epinettes 17670 La Couarde, or by telephone at 06 01 73 37 20.
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