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Review for Add #8257

Villa proche plage avec annexe, jardin et parking

Villa à louer Private parking pour 8 persons, 5 rooms, nearby beach in Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Ile de Ré
From 2429 € per week

Ad online since 26/01/2023
Owner registered on iledereloc since 26/01/2023
Owner manages 142 other accommodation(s).
This accommodation has already been rented.
Owner up to date with his contribution to iledereloc.com.

This ad hasn't any review yet on Iledereloc.com

Why this ad has no review ?

Since on iledereloc.com reservations are made directly between the vacationer and the advertiser, we cannot list all of the actual reservations. It therefore comes back to; The advertiser asks the vacationer to submit a review and unfortunately few do so.

The good news is that when there is a problem with an advert, we are generally informed quite quickly and a bad comment is then left. here. So, no comments also mean no reported concerns. on this ad.